A superpowered revenge thriller by legendary writer J. Michael Straczynski and superstar artist ACO! In THE MADNESS, Sarah Ross has been using her superpowers as a thief, stealing from the rich and...well, keeping it. Until the day she stole from the wrong person, a highly placed official who pressures the government to assassinate her. The plot, aided by so-called 'good' superheroes sponsored by the government, misses her but wipes out her family. Driven mad by grief, and laser-focused on revenge for the murder of her family, Sarah and a hidden side of her personality-an imaginary friend who may be more real than she believes-goes after these superpowered operatives determined to take her revenge, at any cost. Collects THE MADNESS #1-6! '...a hard-hitting, dramatic, super-smart story of revenge in a world filled with superheroes. Straczynski lays out a pitch-perfect revenge story, dripping with drama and character motivation for one of the best new character debuts in some time.' -Comical Opinions 'The Madness is an exceptional revenge thriller that remixes genres...by a legendary writer and superstar art crew. This is Straczynski is at his best... AWA has another hit on their hands.' -Lotusland Comics
FörfattareStraczynski, J. Michael
FärgläggareMaiolo, Marcelo
Beg/NyttNytt Obegagnat